artist statement
artist statement
mi-pietá (full installation)
mi-pietá (full installation)

may 2014

mother's altar
mother's altar

found object (wooden cabinet), resin cast, metal-leaf

may 2014

mother's altar (detail)
mother's altar (detail)
mother's altar (detail)
mother's altar (detail)
mother's altar (detail)
mother's altar (detail)
mother's milk
mother's milk

found object (metal cabinet), plaster/resin cast, metal leaf

may 2014

mother's milk (detail)
mother's milk (detail)
mother's milk (detail)
mother's milk (detail)
mother's cupboard
mother's cupboard

found object (wooden cabinet), resin cast, red lentils, yellow/green split peas 

mother's cupboard (detail)
mother's cupboard (detail)

red lentil cast

mother's cupboard (detail)
mother's cupboard (detail)

resin cast, split peas

mother's craft
mother's craft

found object (wooden cabinet), resin cast, cotton/man-made fibers

mother's craft (detail)
mother's craft (detail)
mother's craft (detail)
mother's craft (detail)
mother's craft (detail)
mother's craft (detail)
mother's dress
mother's dress

found object (wooden cabinet), resin cast, cotton fabric

mother's dress (detail)
mother's dress (detail)
mother's mood
mother's mood

found object (wooden cabinet face), green/yellow split peas

mother's mood (detail)
mother's mood (detail)
mother's mood (detail)
mother's mood (detail)
mother's grain
mother's grain

found object (wooden and glass cabinet), resin cast, rice

mother's grain (detail)
mother's grain (detail)
artist statement
mi-pietá (full installation)
mother's altar
mother's altar (detail)
mother's altar (detail)
mother's altar (detail)
mother's milk
mother's milk (detail)
mother's milk (detail)
mother's cupboard
mother's cupboard (detail)
mother's cupboard (detail)
mother's craft
mother's craft (detail)
mother's craft (detail)
mother's craft (detail)
mother's dress
mother's dress (detail)
mother's mood
mother's mood (detail)
mother's mood (detail)
mother's grain
mother's grain (detail)
artist statement
mi-pietá (full installation)

may 2014

mother's altar

found object (wooden cabinet), resin cast, metal-leaf

may 2014

mother's altar (detail)
mother's altar (detail)
mother's altar (detail)
mother's milk

found object (metal cabinet), plaster/resin cast, metal leaf

may 2014

mother's milk (detail)
mother's milk (detail)
mother's cupboard

found object (wooden cabinet), resin cast, red lentils, yellow/green split peas 

mother's cupboard (detail)

red lentil cast

mother's cupboard (detail)

resin cast, split peas

mother's craft

found object (wooden cabinet), resin cast, cotton/man-made fibers

mother's craft (detail)
mother's craft (detail)
mother's craft (detail)
mother's dress

found object (wooden cabinet), resin cast, cotton fabric

mother's dress (detail)
mother's mood

found object (wooden cabinet face), green/yellow split peas

mother's mood (detail)
mother's mood (detail)
mother's grain

found object (wooden and glass cabinet), resin cast, rice

mother's grain (detail)
show thumbnails